According to the export import policy of India, any individual, firm or company applying for export license and to avail any concession is required to have Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC)
Points covered in this article are
What is RCMC?
Who requires RCMC?
Different authorities providing RCMC
Procedure of applying for RCMC
Benefits of Registration Cum Membership Certificate
Validity of RCMC
1. What is RCMC?
The Registration Cum Membership Certificate is a certificate issued for upto 5 years to the exporter on registration with Export Promotional Council or any other export board
2. Who requires RCMC?
Any individual, firm or company applying for
Permission or grant to export certain specified goods
Benefits or concession under Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) shall be required to furnish Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) with the respective authority unless specifically exempted
3. Different authorities providing RCMC
A total number of 26 Export Promotion Councils and 9 commodities boards are present in India. Commodities board and the Export Promotional Councils (EPC) are the concerned authorities for issuing RCMC in India. These institutions have been authorized by the Central Government to issue RCMC to the exporters according to the business of the exporter. Every Export Promotional Council and the commodities board in India is categorized depending on the type of products, in case, if the product line of exporter does not come under the category, then he shall apply for RCMC from FIEO (Federation of Indian Exporters Organization)
Some of the Export Promotional Councils and Export boards are
● Cashew Export Promotional Council
● Chemical and Allied products Export Promotional Council
● Coffee board
● Rubber board
4. Procedure of applying for RCMC
An exporter may, on application in a specified format register and become a member of EPC. On being admitted to the membership, the exporter is granted RCMC of the concerned EPC. If the exporter wants to get registered as a manufacturer exporter then he needs to furnish evidence to that effect. Prospective or potential exporters may also become members of EPC by submitting an application
For this purpose, they are required to make an application in a specified format as given
1. Form of application for Registration-cum-Membership Certificate, the product for which the registration required is to be specified. Application is to be made in form ANF-2C
2. A self-certified copy of Importer Exporter Code (IEC) number, issued by the licensing authorities concerned is to be provided
3. Bank certificate of the applicant as a proof of financial position
4. SSI/IEM certificate in case the registration is a Manufacturer Exporter
5. A declaration regarding the exports and imports of the preceding financial year
6. A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association in the case of companies and partnership deed in the case of partnership firms
7. GST registration certificate
The application form along with the documents specified are to be submitted to the respective EPC. In case if the product of the applicant does fall under any EPC or Export Boards, the application is to be submitted directly through Federation of Indian Exporters Organization (FIEO)
5. Benefits of Registration Cum Membership Certificate
● RCMC gives license to an exporter and also acts as a proof that the exporter is registered under EPC or Board
● Further the exporter can avail concessions such as credit of export duty, drawback etc
6. Validity of RCMC
RCMC is valid from 1st April of the licensing year when it is issued and is valid for five years that ends on 31st March of the last licensing year.
7. De-registration of RCMC
If the exporter fails to comply with the provisions of registration, the EPC may de-register the exporter for a certain period of time as a penalty
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many Export Promotional Councils and Boards are present in India?
There are total of 32 EPC and Export boards in India
2. Who issues RCMC?
RCMC is issued by the Export Promotional Council. If the product does not fall under the category of any EPC, it is issued by FIEO
3. How long is RCMC valid?
RCMC stands valid for 5 years from the date of registration
4. Is RCMC mandatory?
RCMC is required to get permission to export restricted goods. Certain concessions and grants are provided by Customs Board and Foreign Trade Policy